Muse Crystal Health
Health means that a person is in good physical, mental and social aspects. Health includes two aspects: First, the main organs are disease-free, the body shape is well developed, the body shape is uniform, the human body systems have good physiological functions, and have strong physical activity and labor capacity. This is the most basic for health The second is the strong resistance to diseases, able to adapt to environmental changes, various physiological stimuli and the effects of pathogenic factors on the body. The traditional view Therefore of health is “no disease is health”, and the modern people’s view of health is overall health. The World Health Organization proposes that “health is not only physical and disease-free, but also mental health, good social adaptation and morality. , the health content of modern people includes:physical health, mental health, mental health, social health, intellectual health, moral health, environmental health, etc. Health is a human right. Health is the number one asset in life.-Muse Crystal Health